What do I need?
Watercolour Paper
This should be paper specifically designed for creating with watercolour. You will find it is available in different weights. Always aim to use paper that is 140 lb or over in weight. There are many good brands available. I use Saunders Waterford rough 300lbs weight for my gallery work.

Watercolour Shades
There are many brands of watercolour available and their range of shades can be quite daunting to choose from when you first start painting. I use Daniel Smith products and have my own Jean Haines sets available which you can find in my shop here. You don’t need many colours to get started, just a few shades to begin with and then you can add to your collection over time. In each of my films I mention the favourite shades I am using and you may fall in love with them too as time goes by or discover new favourites of your own.
Watercolour Brushes
You will need watercolour brushes. I would advise buying the best that you can afford. These will last you a very long time if you look after them well. I have my own set of brushes, details of which can be found in my shop here. I would suggest starting with a rigger, a size 10 and a size 12. These are shown in my tutorials.

Water Containers
These can be absolutely anything to hold the water that you are painting with. I prefer a clear container so that I can see how clean my water is which makes quite a difference.
Extra Materials
You may need a variety of extra materials which will come up in different tutorials but for now the above are the essentials.