Teardrops and Blackberries
Teardrops and Blackberries
Teardrops and Blackberries
Teardrops and Blackberries
Teardrops and Blackberries
Teardrops and Blackberries
Teardrops and Blackberries
Teardrops and Blackberries

Teardrops and Blackberries : Preview

Length: Full Tutorial: 73 minutes
- Difficulty Level: Suitable For All

Let’s glow! Create an exciting first wash using bold colour application and then find blackberries on top to dangle see-through raindrops on. Hanging like jewels!

There is an initial, fabulous, easy beginners version which will lead you excitingly into the more complex and thrilling advanced version. Feel positively energised and exhilarated.

Go for gold and don’t be colour shy!

This is a glimpse of the full tutorial which is available now with our paid monthly and annual memberships. So why not join me and upgrade your account by clicking here!

Teardrops and Blackberries
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